Fees, Terms, Policies & Values

Terms of Membership

Welcome to Harewood Hockey Club Inc.  As members, we are all collectively responsible for maintaining a positive culture, and creating an environment where all participants feel safe, included and valued. A club for all generations, we offer the opportunity to achieve excellence, to develop personally and as a hockey player, to have fun and to play your part in a team, club and the local Harewood community.

By registering with us, you agree to abide by our club constitution, policies and codes as detailed below.

Harewood Hockey Club participates in Balance is Better initiatives under the guidance of Sport New Zealand.

Your subscription includes an affiliation component for both Canterbury Hockey Association, and Hockey New Zealand. In making payment, you are agreeing to and are supported by the published terms, conditions, policies and codes of those organisations.

As a member of Harewood Hockey Club,  we ask that you;

  • Wear our uniform with pride. This includes seeking approvals for any merchandise, clothing supply or design using the Harewood Brand and returning it in a timely manner in good condition.
  • Respect your opposition, umpires, our volunteers and your team mates on and off the field.
  • Raise any issues directly with our committee by contacting harewoodhelp@gmail.com.  We are here to listen.
  • Support our sponsors and events
  • Get involved.  As a volunteer club we always value another pair of hands.

From time to time, photographs are taken of our participants to share amongst our hockey community in celebration of the joy hockey brings. Should you object to the sharing of any such images, please advise us at harewoodhelp@gmail.com.

Newsletters are sent during the year to club members.  Should you wish not to receive these, you can unsubscribe at any time.

Looking forward to seeing you in Red and Blue!

Harewood Hockey Club Committee.


2023 Fees

Your subscription includes an affiliation component for both Canterbury Hockey Association, and Hockey New Zealand. In making payment, you are agreeing to and are supported by the published terms, conditions, policies and codes of those organisations.

Subscriptions are due by 31 May each year.  If you need to make an arrangement to pay in instalments, you must do so on or before 01 May. Late payments will incur a $50 administration charge per person.   Failure to pay or make an arrangement by the 3rd playing week of your competition (or 31 May, whichever falls first), will result in you being ineligible to participate.   The club reserves the right to recover costs.


CPL/Div1 $535 Kwik Sticks $220
SSL $465 Kiwi Sticks/Mini Sticks $195
MWO $415



Harewood Hockey Policies

Drug policy

The Harewood Hockey Club prohibits the use of all recreational and performance enhancing drugs and substances by all club members, guests and visitors to the club.

The list of banned drugs that must be adhered and are named on the Drug Free Sport New Zealand on their website; https://drugfreesport.org.nz/substances/prohibited-substances/


Health & Safety Policy

The Harewood Hockey Club is committed to creating an environment that promotes player, visitor, volunteer and contractor health and safety. The Club will pursue best practice in health and safety and to comply with requirements of the relevant legislation.

This will be achieved by:

  • Access to information will be provided to ensure that all players, coaches and umpires can undertake their duties safely.
  • Safeguarding players, visitors, volunteers and contractors from unnecessary hazards; and where such hazards cannot be eliminated or isolated, the exposure will be minimised.
  • Encouraging participation and consultation.
  • Timely and accurate reporting and investigation of accidents and incidents
  • Adopting a process of continuous improvement.
  • Ensuring players wear the correct protective clothing when and where appropriate


Inclusion policy

The Harewood Hockey Club has an understanding of how the New Zealand Disability Strategy, SPARC No Exceptions Policy and the Christchurch Physical Recreation and Sport Strategy can assist with the inclusion of people with disabilities into physical activity and sport.

The Harewood Hockey Club will endeavour to integrate people with disabilities into their environment and assist them to participate in club activities.

Consideration must be given to safety and the fact that many teams are selected on the participant’s ability to play hockey. Our Mini Hockey is where children with disabilities are most likely to be included.



A copy of the Harewood Hockey Club Constitution and Rules can be downloaded here: HHC-Constitution




Harewood Hockey – Club Culture Commitment